What to bring to your appointment - English
The following are forms of identifications that you can present at your appointment for proper identification.
18820 Aurora Ave N Ste 202,
Shoreline, WA 98133
+1 (206) 629-4537
Driver’s License or Non-Drivers ID
U.S. Passport
U.S. Government employee’s ID, including military personnel.
State, county and local government IDs issued to employees and to licenses.
Driver’s licenses from other states accepted as long as they are current (must have a photograph or signature)
Mexican and Canadian Driver’s License accepted as long as they are current (must have a photograph or signature)
Non-Native of US
Permanent Resident Status
(Green Card Holders)
Naturalized Citizens
(have naturalization papers)
Foreign Passports
(Must have current Visa)
Que traer a su cita - Español
Por favor de presentar las siguientes formas de identificación en su cita.
18820 Aurora Ave N Ste 202,
Shoreline, WA 98133
+1 (206) 629-4537
Licencia de conducir o licencia de identificación
Pasaporte de EE.UU.
Identificación de empleado del gobierno de EE.UU., incluye personal militar
Identificación de empleado estatal, del condado, y local emitidas a empleados
Licencia de conducir de otros estados (Que estén vigentes)
Credencial para votar o Matricula Escolar (Que estén vigentes, con fotografía y firma)
Residente Permanente
(La “mica”)
Ciudadanos Naturalizados
(debe de traer sus papeles de naturalización)
Pasaportes Extranjeros
(Visa actual)